應鼓勵國內外製作公司來港拍攝 / Encourage Domestic and Foreign Production Companies to Film in Hong Kong
據報,在新西蘭取景的《魔戒》第一季影集,拍攝製作預算約為4.65 億美元,當中新西蘭政府已補貼逾1 億美元,拍攝期間單計第一季已在當地直接或間接創造近2000 個工作機會。拍攝場地發展為旅遊景點,持續為當地帶來龐大的旅遊收益。
事實上,世界有很多地方深諳此道,不但打開方便之門,支持國外電影公司到當地拍電影,更有資助計劃,例如新西蘭政府會向製作公司補貼最高25% 的製作成本,韓國提供最高25% 補貼,法國政府提供最高30% 退稅補貼,實際資助金額視乎是否滿足當地政府條件,如冰島政府更提供最高35% 補貼,製作方要獲得最高補貼額,需滿足多項條件,例如在當地直接聘請指定人數的人員等。鄰近如澳門亦已於2023 年推出了「『澳門取景』影視拍攝資金補助計劃」,資助外地拍攝團隊在澳門拍攝的40% 支出,資助範圍更涵蓋音樂錄像、綜藝節目等。香港過去是東方荷李活,如今也不能落後太多,必須急起直追。
Encourage Domestic and Foreign Production Companies to Film in Hong Kong
Hong Kong's film industry has fallen into a slump, with some senior figures in the field expressing that it is difficult for the local industry to recover. Given the current decline in local film productions, I believe the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government should implement policies to strongly encourage domestic and foreign production companies to film movies, TV dramas, web series, and more in Hong Kong. This would not only promote Hong Kong but also create job opportunities during the filming process, achieving multiple benefits at once.
Let me provide a well-known example: the Hollywood blockbuster 《The Dark Knight》 featured a classic scene filmed in Hong Kong, where Batman leapt from the International Finance Centre. This moment showcased Hong Kong to the world and was more effective than the SAR government spending tens of millions on overseas advertisements to promote the city.
When overseas productions, especially large-scale Hollywood projects, come to Hong Kong to film, it is unlikely that every single member of the crew will travel thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers to work on location. During such productions, local recruitment becomes necessary for roles such as lighting technicians, makeup artists, and extras, creating numerous job opportunities for both on-screen and behind-the-scenes workers. This could alleviate the current underemployment issue faced by industry professionals due to a lack of projects being filmed.
According to reports, the first season of 《The Lord of the Rings》 series, filmed in New Zealand, had a production budget of approximately USD 465 million. The New Zealand government subsidized over USD 100 million of this budget, and during the filming of the first season alone, it directly or indirectly created nearly 2,000 job opportunities in the area. The filming locations were later developed into tourist attractions, generating significant and ongoing tourism revenue for the region.
In fact, many places around the world understand this strategy well. They not only open their doors to support foreign film companies but also offer financial incentives. For example, the New Zealand government provides subsidies of up to 25% of production costs, South Korea offers up to 25% subsidies, and the French government provides tax rebates of up to 30%. The actual subsidy amounts depend on whether certain conditions set by the local governments are met. For example, Iceland offers subsidies of up to 35%, but to qualify for the maximum amount, production teams must meet several conditions, such as hiring a specified number of local personnel. Closer to home, Macau introduced the “Macau Filming Support Program” in 2023, which subsidizes 40% of expenses for foreign production teams filming in Macau. The scope of subsidies even includes music videos and variety shows.
Hong Kong, once known as the "Hollywood of the East," cannot afford to lag too far behind. It must act quickly to catch up.