新民黨 熱烈祝賀 習近平全票連任國家主席及中央軍委主席
新民黨 熱烈祝賀 習近平全票連任國家主席及中央軍委主席
日期︰2023 年 3 月 10 日
湯普森槍殺案的背後(二)/ The Behind Story of the Thompson Shooting (Part 2)
據U.S. PIRG Education Fund 調查,有購買醫療保險的美國民眾呼叫救護車平均需自付450 美元(約3510 港元)至1000 美元(約7800 港元)。若沒保險,費用更可高達1200 美元(約9360 港元)。事實上,據統計資料庫Statista 數據,美國在經濟合作暨發展組織的國家中,人均醫療開支高達12,555 美元(約97,929港元),居於榜首,遠高於第二位瑞士的8049 美元 (約62,782 港元)。高昂的醫療開支導致約1 億美國人深陷醫療債務困境,並成為個人破產的主因。
有分析認為,美國醫療業界和企業聘請大量說客在華盛頓進行游說工作,政客們則因為種種原因不會對抗保險公司和製藥公司的貪婪,導致醫療保險政策難以在國會通過。佛蒙特州參議員桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)提議在長者公共健康保險計劃加入視力、牙科和聽力方面的保障。該建議得到美國84% 民眾支持,但由於業界反對,法案未能在國會通過。桑德斯認為數據反映美國民眾很清楚醫療體系徹底崩壞,他認為仿效其他發達國家實行全民醫保是解決問題的唯一方法。
The Behind Story of the Thompson Shooting (Part 2)
As mentioned earlier, the Thompson shooting incident reveals the issues of high medical costs and insurance claim denials in American society.
The United States is one of the few developed countries without a universal healthcare insurance plan, requiring people to pay for medical expenses out of pocket. The U.S. healthcare system is primarily owned and operated by private enterprises, with the industry chain consisting of health insurance companies, healthcare service providers, hospital systems, and independent medical facilities. Thousands of health insurance companies sell various insurance plans and services, and the relationships between doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies are complex. When healthcare service providers negotiate higher prices with insurance companies, the cost of seeking treatment for patients becomes higher.
According to a study by the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, insured Americans calling for an ambulance have to pay an average of $450 to $1,000. Without insurance, the cost can soar to $1,200. In fact, according to data from Statista, the United States leads in per capita healthcare expenditure among OECD countries, with an average of $12,555, far exceeding Switzerland's $8,049. The high healthcare costs have led approximately 100 million Americans into medical debt and have become a leading cause of personal bankruptcy.
Some analyses suggest that the healthcare industry in the United States employs a large number of lobbyists in Washington, while politicians, for various reasons, do not resist the greed of insurance and pharmaceutical companies, making it difficult for healthcare insurance policies to pass in Congress. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont proposed adding vision, dental, and hearing coverage to the public health insurance plan for seniors. This proposal was supported by 84% of Americans, but due to industry opposition, the bill failed to pass in Congress. Sanders believes that the data reflects a clear collapse of the healthcare system in the United States and sees implementing universal healthcare, similar to other developed countries, as the only solution to the problem.
The Thompson shooting incident may be an isolated event, but it exposes the myriad flaws in the American healthcare system. Reports indicate that following the shooting, top executives in the American insurance industry are feeling uneasy, fearing they might become the next target, which may reflect the seriousness of the situation.
Hong Kong, Macau can grow China’s appeal in age of US containment
Hong Kong has plodded through another challenging year with some hits and misses. On the downside, economic growth is forecast to slow to 2.5 per cent. Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po also expects the fiscal deficit to exceed HK$100 billion (US$12.8 billion). His admission drove home the fact that the government has, for all the clawbacks from the Housing Authority’s reserve and bond issuance, been effectively running a deficit since 2019.
This raises the alarm that Hong Kong could be facing a structural deficit, with heightened risks of a credit rating downgrade and attacks on the Hong Kong dollar. All eyes are on Chan’s next budget to see if he would take decisive action to return Hong Kong to fiscal health.
The good news is the government has met many of the work targets it has set to “grab” talent and attract strategic enterprises. Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu recently revealed that the number of offices in Hong Kong with parent companies elsewhere had increased by 10 per cent this year. Meanwhile, 66 strategic enterprises have set up shop in Hong Kong or are expanding their presence here, half of which are industry leaders. Hong Kong now boasts over 2,700 family offices.
Thanks to the admission of over 100,000 professionals under its talent schemes, Hong Kong’s population is back above 7.5 million, where it was before the relaxation of the immigration schemes of several Western countries led to a substantial brain drain.
Hong Kong’s ranking in various international surveys has improved. Hong Kong beat Singapore to regain the third position in the latest edition of the Global Financial Centres Index. Its competitiveness and talent rankings have also risen. These improvements show the government’s efforts in reinvigorating the economy have not gone unrecognised.
The Hang Seng Index also recovered. It bounced back in September and has been hovering at the 20,000-21,000 level with heavier trading, generating much-needed revenue for the government from stamp duties on stock transactions.
Since December 1, following the resumption of multiple-entry visit permits to Shenzhen residents, much larger crowds of tourists from mainland China are visible, adding to the city’s festive spirit and helping to lift the depressed retail sector.
The question is whether these efforts are sufficient to ensure Hong Kong’s economic security and global position when the “America first” Trump presidency seems hell-bent on expanding American power by weakening China and upturning the world order.
It is not clear whether the gathering of storm clouds was on President Xi Jinping’s mind when he met Lee earlier this month for the latter’s annual work report. In addition to praising Lee for accomplishing the historic feat of enacting local legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law and resolving housing, public health and other livelihood problems, the official press release issued after the meeting was noteworthy for embedding in the text high expectations of Lee in leading Hong Kong in support of China’s next stage of development.
For the first time, Lee was praised for having “strengthened external exchanges and cooperation, and continuously enhanced Hong Kong’s international prestige”. Lee was also urged to “double down on reform” – a message previously sent by Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, during his meeting last month with Hong Kong business leaders – and to “create new economic momentum and advantages”.
Similar messages were repeated in Xi’s keynote speech in Macau on December 20 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macau’s reunification and the installation of the sixth-term chief executive, but with greater clarity and urgency.
Macau was also praised for “greatly enhancing its international influence” and urged to “double down on reform”. Both Hong Kong and Macau need to diversify their economies and are seen as having a role to play in enhancing China’s influence through their Western heritage and connectivity.
Particularly significant is Xi’s repeated affirmation of “one country, two systems” as a “good system” that should be firmly adhered to. He also spelled out four principles for ensuring its continued success. The first is recognition of the country as the bedrock of the system and its distinct advantages, a dictum much reiterated in the past.
Secondly, both Hong Kong Macau are urged to maintain a high standard of national security and achieve “high quality” development.
Thirdly, a new point was made, which is now placed on the front burner – to “strengthen internal and external connections, adopting a more open and inclusive attitude to extensively develop international relations, raise international influence and appeal”, and “better play a bridging role in the latest configuration of the country’s scheme of development”.
Finally, Hong Kong and Macau are to spread the core Chinese values of tolerance and harmony, and promote the diversity and convergence of different cultures.
The first two points have been repeated often but the other two, with their new emphasis on international influence and the promotion of Chinese values, are significant additions to the tasks given to the two special administrative regions.
Beijing knows it is entering an age of make-or-break competition with the United States. President-elect Donald Trump seems poised to enter the White House armed with plans to throttle China’s growth. International connectivity is seen as being as critical as ever. For China to break out of a US-led containment, both Hong Kong and Macau have a pivotal role to play to bridge divides.
The official responses from both cities provide few clues of their recognition of this new mission. But Hong Kong has always lived by its connectivity and openness, and the business, academic and political leaders are ready to play their part.
湯普森槍殺案的背後(一)/ The Behind Story of the Thompson Shooting (Part 1)
美國聯合健康保險公司行政總裁湯普森槍殺案嫌疑人曼焦內落網,其背景和履歷引發大量關注。據媒體報道,26 歲的曼焦內出身馬里蘭州一個顯赫家族,畢業於長春藤名校賓夕法尼亞大學,主修電腦科學,畢業後成為一名工程師,妥妥是個富二代,原本前途無量,為何一次衝浪意外就走進另一種人生境遇?
曼焦內的前室友馬丁指出,曼焦內在一次衝浪課背部意外受傷,隨即有網友發現曼焦內曾在社交媒體上留下顯示他脊椎錯位的X 光照片。有醫學教授分析這張X 光片顯示他曾做過脊椎融合手術。曼焦內的一名友人向媒體透露,他在手術康復期間失聯,還試圖以迷幻藥和魔幻蘑菇等來麻醉痛楚。對此,一名消息人士引述曼焦內前同學的話說,他們都覺得曼焦內在經歷手術後,種種磨難迫使他幾近崩潰。
報道指曼焦內被捕當天(12 月9 日),警方在其身上發現一份手寫的「宣言」(manifesto)。《新聞周刊》(Newsweek )於12 月11 日刊登了這份「宣言」,當中抨擊美國擁有「全世界最昂貴的醫療保健系統」,怒斥「這些公司太強大了,由於美國公眾無法制止它們,讓它們可以繼續虐待我們的國家以獲取巨額利潤」,並堅稱湯普森「這些寄生蟲是應有此報」。弔詭的是,美國網民普遍對遇害的保險公司高層未有表露同情之心,反而引發不少人抱怨曾被該公司拒絕理賠,並將高學歷疑兇的行為視為「替天行道」,甚至「讚賞有加」。
The Behind Story of the Thompson Shooting (Part 1) / 湯普森槍殺案的背後(一)
The arrest of the suspect in the shooting of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, has sparked significant attention to his background and resume. According to media reports, the 26-year-old suspect, Luigi Nicholas Mangione, comes from a prominent family in Maryland and graduated from the Ivy League school, the University of Pennsylvania, majoring in computer science. After graduation, he became an engineer, seemingly a second-generation affluent individual with a promising future. So why did he end up in a different life circumstance after a surfing accident?
Mangione's former roommate Martin pointed out that Mangione suffered a back injury in a surfing class, followed by online revelations of X-ray images showing his misaligned spine. Medical professors analyzing these X-rays indicated that he had undergone spinal fusion surgery. A friend of Mangione revealed to the media that he lost contact during his recovery from surgery and attempted to numb the pain with hallucinogens and magic mushrooms. A source cited statements from Mangione's former classmates, stating that they all felt Mangione was on the verge of a breakdown due to the various hardships he faced after the surgery.
Reports indicate that on the day of Mangione's arrest (December 9th), the police found a handwritten "manifesto" on him. Newsweek published this "manifesto" on December 11th, criticizing the United States for having the "most expensive healthcare system in the world" and condemning the "overpowering companies" that, due to the inability of the American public to stop them, continue to exploit the country for huge profits. He firmly stated that Thompson and these "parasites" deserved what happened to them. Ironically, American netizens generally showed little sympathy towards the slain insurance company executive, instead sparking complaints from many who had been denied claims by the company, viewing the suspect's actions as "avenging" and even "praiseworthy."
The catalyst for this shooting incident lies in Mangione's entanglement with the insurance company, where he deeply experienced the plight, helplessness, and pain of marginalized groups facing giant insurance companies. Mangione's "manifesto" reflects deep-seated social issues in the United States, including Americans' dissatisfaction with the costly and inefficient U.S. healthcare system. Some opinions suggest that the primary function of the American healthcare system is not to provide high-quality medical services but to generate huge profits for pharmaceutical and insurance companies. To delve deeper into this issue, it may be necessary to start with the current medical situation in the United States in the next installment.