新民黨 立法會議員容海恩 率團到訪科威特 助力香港貢獻「一帶一路」建設
新民黨 立法會議員容海恩 率團到訪科威特 助力香港貢獻「一帶一路」建設
日期︰2024 年 10 月 2 日
香港電影業如何起死回生?/ How Can the Hong Kong Film Industry Be Revived?
How Can the Hong Kong Film Industry Be Revived?
During the Chinese New Year, it has been a long-standing tradition in Hong Kong for families to gather at cinemas to watch "New Year movies." However, according to statistics from the Hong Kong Box Office Limited, the total box office revenue during the five-day New Year period from New Year's Eve to the fourth day of the Lunar New Year this year was only about HKD 30.6 million, a 37% drop compared to the same period last year and nearly a 60% decline compared to pre-pandemic 2019, marking the worst performance in the past decade. The Hong Kong film industry is currently in a slump.
In contrast, mainland cinemas were bustling during the Spring Festival. According to statistics from the China Film Administration, as of the morning of February 5, the box office revenue for the Spring Festival period reached RMB 9.51 billion, with 187 million moviegoers, setting a historical record. The box office champion was the animated film "Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child," which grossed over RMB 5 billion. I am not surprised by the success of an animated film achieving such results. I remember watching another animated film, "Chang An," two years ago, and I was already very impressed by its vivid characters and complete storyline, which is a significant achievement for China's creative industry.
A seasoned producer remarked that "the Hong Kong film industry is almost finished." I believe the first reason is the lack of investors. Many former investors have become hesitant, leaving only a few big stars like Louis Koo and a handful of companies to invest in films. The second reason is the change in entertainment habits among Hong Kong people. Globally, the film industry has lost many customers to streaming platforms. Nowadays, many blockbusters, such as "Gladiator II," can be quickly viewed on streaming platforms, and young people are satisfied with watching movies on their phones, leading to a significant shrinkage in cinema audiences. Last year, nine cinemas in Hong Kong announced closures or suspensions of business.
Another reason is that Hong Kong's market is ultimately small. After China opened its market, Hong Kong filmmakers, directors, and actors have flocked north to "make real money," and they have achieved considerable success in the mainland. For example, two mainland hit series, "Eternal Love" and "The Untamed," both had Hong Kong directors involved. It is said that Hong Kong directors are quite popular in the mainland because they know how to save money.
Although there have been several outstanding Hong Kong films in recent years, such as "A Guilty Conscience," "Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In," and "The Last Dance," which have been quite successful in the mainland market with good word of mouth, box office, and international response, a seasoned producer stated that these are just the achievements of individual films, and the entire film industry remains lifeless. The next article will explore ways to revive the Hong Kong film industry.
觀《封神第二部》度歲 / Viewing "Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force" During the Chinese New Year
我在1 月底參加完瑞士達沃斯世界經濟論壇後,難得在剛過去的春節長假期中覓到數日空閒時間。我趁此機會,久違地到戲院觀賞最近上映的賀歲片《封神第二部:戰火西岐》(《封神二》)。
作為導演烏爾善的《封神三部曲》的第二部,電影仍然維持着《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》(《封神一》)的高製作水準。電影的製作成本高達6億,雖然未及《封神一》的8 億成本,但電影在視覺特效和動作場面上實現了全面升級。《封神二》全片有多達超過2000 個特效鏡頭,製作方為此專門聘請了美國頂級特效專家為電影製作視覺特效,最終呈現的成果相當優秀。
《封神一》故事結尾講述西伯侯之子姬發在經歷一系列事件後,發現商紂王殷壽心術不正,最終逃離朝歌回到西岐的故事。而《封神二》則承接第一部結尾,將故事聚焦於紂王征伐西岐的戰事上。其中有一幕講述伐周大將聞仲親自佈下「十絕陣」,陣法令西岐陣營的一眾大將招架不住,紛紛倒地。該段劇情不禁讓我聯想起2005 年的電影《強戰世界》中外星人用殺人光線大肆破壞的場景,印象特別深刻。故事最終以鄧嬋玉以命相搏,攜手姬發大破十絕陣,西岐軍民成功保衛家園收尾。但電影亦留下彩蛋,引出術士申公豹及其背後的通天教勢力,相信是為第三部埋下伏筆。
Viewing "Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force" During the Chinese New Year
After attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland at the end of January, I had the rare opportunity to have a few days of free time during the recent Chinese New Year holiday. Seizing this chance, I went to the cinema to watch the recently released Chinese New Year film "Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force: War of the Western Shang" ("Creation of the Gods II").
As the second part of Director Wu Shan's "Fengshen Trilogy," the film maintains the high production standards set by "Fengshen Part One: The Storms of Chao Ge" ("Creation of the Gods I"). With a production cost of up to 600 million, though not as high as the 800 million cost of "Fengshen One," the film has achieved a comprehensive upgrade in visual effects and action scenes. "Fengshen Two" features over 2,000 special effects shots, with the production team specially hiring top American special effects experts to create the visual effects for the film, resulting in an excellent outcome.
In addition, the production team has shown great skill in casting. I particularly admire the actress who plays the female lead Deng Chanyu. Deng Chanyu in the original work is the daughter of Deng Jiugong, a general under King Zhou, and is a brave and skilled female warrior. For this role, the production team specifically chose Mongolian actress Nairenaqian, who stands at about 1.7 meters tall and is skilled in equestrian archery, to portray Deng Chanyu. She truly embodies the heroic and spirited qualities of Deng Chanyu.
At the end of "Fengshen One," the story tells of the son of the Marquis of Western Bo fleeing Chao Ge back to Western Shang after experiencing a series of events and discovering the corrupt nature of King Zhou. "Fengshen Two" continues from the end of the first part, focusing on the war launched by King Zhou against Western Shang. One scene depicts the famous general Wen Zhong personally setting up the "Ten Absolute Array," causing the generals of Western Shang to fall one by one. This scene inadvertently reminded me of the 2005 movie "War of the Worlds," where aliens wreak havoc with their death rays, leaving a lasting impression. The story culminates with Deng Chanyu sacrificing herself to break the Ten Absolute Array alongside Ji Fa, leading to the successful defense of their homeland by the people and army of Western Shang. The movie also leaves a cliffhanger, introducing the sorcerer Shen Gongbao and the power of the Heavenly Alliance, setting the stage for the third part.
"Fengshen Two" stays largely faithful to the original work, with one significant change being the addition of a love story between Ji Fa and Deng Chanyu, allowing them to develop feelings for each other amidst their battles, making Ji Fa more humanized compared to the original work. Overall, the plot of "Fengshen Two" is tightly woven, combined with excellent performances by the actors and top-notch visual effects, making it truly an excellent Chinese New Year film.
政府「吸客」措施漸見成效 / Government's "attraction" measures are gradually showing results
旅遊發展局總幹事程鼎一先生在一個電台節目中透露,由大除夕至年初三,約有68 萬人次旅客訪港,其中內地旅客有56.4 萬人次,比去年同期多4%;非內地旅客則有11.4 萬人次,上升16%。
為積極吸引更多不同的旅客來港,行政長官於去年《施政報告》中提出要開拓中東和東南亞國家聯盟(東盟)旅客客源。就此,特區政府率領歷來到訪中東最大規模的本地業界訪問團到迪拜參與中東地區的大型旅遊業展覽,與當地旅遊業界建立連繫,希望吸引更多穆斯林旅客訪港。有關措施的成效亦十分顯著:旅遊發展局的數據顯示,來自卡塔爾、阿聯酋及沙特阿拉伯等海灣合作國家的旅客於去年12 月就錄得46.4% 升幅!此外,來自日本、韓國、菲律賓及俄羅斯等地的旅客亦有顯著的升幅。
除積極開拓更多新的客源市場外,政府亦有努力發展更多具香港特色的旅遊景點,希望擺脫過往香港旅遊業依賴餐飲及零售消費的印象,以加強旅客在港的體驗。比方說,香港市民習以為常的賽馬對於內地遊客而言就顯得十分新奇。年初三在沙田馬場舉行的「農曆新年賽馬日」就吸引共9654 名遊客入場,其中內地旅客佔高達九成,反映活動對遊客有着相當的吸引力。
Government's "attraction" measures are gradually showing results
At the time of publication, it was already the fifth day of the Chinese New Year. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to all readers for a prosperous Year of the Snake, good fortune, and health for the whole family.
Over the past year, the SAR government has implemented multiple policy measures to revitalize the local economy, with a particular emphasis on the tourism industry. Although the tourism sector is still in the process of recovery, the government's measures have shown initial signs of success based on the number of visitors.
Mr. Dane Cheng, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, revealed during a radio program that from the eve of Lunar New Year to the third day of the new year, approximately 680,000 visitors came to Hong Kong. Among them, there were about 564,000 mainland Chinese visitors, an increase of 4% compared to the same period last year; non-mainland visitors numbered 114,000, an increase of 16%.
I believe the increase in visitor numbers is mainly due to two factors: the expansion of the source market and a more diverse tourism experience.
To actively attract a more diverse range of visitors to Hong Kong, the Chief Executive proposed in last year's Policy Address to explore the source markets of the Middle East and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. In response, the SAR government led the largest local industry delegation to Dubai for a major tourism expo in the Middle East, establishing connections with the local tourism industry in the hope of attracting more Muslim visitors to Hong Kong. The effectiveness of these measures is also significant: according to data from the Hong Kong Tourism Board, visitors from Gulf Cooperation Council countries such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia recorded a 46.4% increase in December last year! In addition, visitors from Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Russia also saw significant increases.
In addition to actively exploring new source markets, the government is also making efforts to develop more tourist attractions with unique Hong Kong characteristics, aiming to move away from the impression that Hong Kong tourism has traditionally relied on dining and retail consumption to enhance the visitor experience in Hong Kong. For example, horse racing, a common activity for Hong Kong residents, appears very novel to mainland Chinese tourists. The "Lunar New Year Race Day" held at Sha Tin Racecourse on the third day of the Lunar New Year attracted a total of 9,654 visitors, with mainland Chinese tourists accounting for as much as 90%, reflecting the considerable appeal of the event to visitors.
I believe that as the government gradually implements various measures outlined in the "Hong Kong Tourism Industry Development Blueprint 2.0", the pace of tourism industry recovery will further accelerate, allowing it to once again play its role as one of Hong Kong's four pillar industries, assisting Hong Kong's economy in "taking off" once again.