日期︰2024 年 8 月 23 日
「第二點,也是最重要的,香港要繼續為『一國兩制』的成功實踐作良好示範,包括維持普通法制度、擁抱多元開放的環境、促進與國際社會的交流、推動包容的政制、實施全過程人民民主等等。香港有責任向全世界展示, 『一國兩制』是解決矛盾的和平方案,這便是香港對國家、對世界作出的貢獻。」葉太總結。
《決定》第二部分明確指出要“構建高水平社會主義市場經濟體制”。根據傳統經濟理論,市場經濟是效率及效益最高的,透過市場力量配置資源是最有效的。不過,若只追求利潤最大化,市場或會失靈(Market Failure)。《決定》看透了這一點,清楚指出要“更好發揮市場機制作用”,“更好維護市場秩序”,要“放得活又管得住”,在適當時候“彌補市場失靈”,即是要把社會主義和市場經濟結合起來,並且要靈活配置,以創造具活力的市場環境,造就具效益的經濟循環,任重道遠。
國家隊如何變得「更快、更高、更強」 / How does the national team become "faster, higher, stronger"?
經過世界各地健兒17 日的競技激鬥,國家隊最終以40 金27 銀24 銅共91 面獎牌的成績結束今屆奧運,位居獎牌榜第二位,同時創造了海外參加奧運的最佳紀錄。國家隊在傳統強項乒乓球和跳水不但保持優勢,更令人欣喜的是,在本屆奧運會上在游泳、網球等美西方傳統優勢項目上取得歷史性突破。國家隊運動員是如何變得「更快、更高、更強」呢?
首先,除了人才輩出外,跟國家資源亦息息相關。以江浙滬盛產泳手為例,潘展樂、混合泳之王汪順、洪荒少女傅園慧等,都是浙江人。據悉,中國江浙滬是泳手的聚集地,游泳是強身健體的鍛煉方式,在當地相當普及。有數據指出,截止2023 年底,浙江全省游泳池超過3000個,為民眾提供了豐富的游泳資源。此外,浙江的經濟發展亦有目共睹,當地居民人均可支配收入居全國第二位,僅次於上海,經濟實力為游泳運動普及化提供強大的基礎。
第三,注重個人健康及營養亦是培育優秀運動員的重要因素。正如加州大學爾灣分校的社會學教授王峰的著作China's Age of Abundance 提及,隨着中國變得越發富裕,普遍兒童吃的營養豐富,身高持續增長。眾多國家隊「00 後」小將之所以能脫穎而出,不難看出身高優勢對游泳等多個運動項目的運動員來說都非常重要。
How does the national team become "faster, higher, stronger"?
After 17 days of fierce competition by athletes from around the world, the national team ended this year's Olympics with a total of 91 medals - 40 gold, 27 silver, and 24 bronze, ranking second on the medal table and setting a new record for the best performance by a team competing overseas at the Olympics. The national team not only maintained its dominance in traditional strengths like table tennis and diving but also achieved historic breakthroughs in events traditionally dominated by Western countries, such as swimming and tennis, at this Olympics. How did the athletes of the national team become "faster, higher, stronger"?
Firstly, in addition to the emergence of talented individuals, the relationship with national resources is crucial. Taking swimmers from the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region as an example, athletes like Pan Zhanle, the king of individual medley Wang Shun, and the extraordinary young talent Fu Yuanhui are all from Zhejiang. It is known that the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region in China is a gathering place for swimmers, where swimming is a popular way to stay fit and healthy, with a significant presence in the local community. Data indicates that by the end of 2023, there were over 3,000 swimming pools in Zhejiang Province, providing abundant swimming resources for the public. Additionally, the remarkable economic development in Zhejiang is evident, with the region's per capita disposable income ranking second nationwide, just behind Shanghai, providing a strong foundation for the popularization of swimming due to its economic strength.
Moreover, family upbringing is one of the factors contributing to athletes' path to success. Within the national team, many athletes come from sports backgrounds or middle-class families. According to reports from "Asia Weekly" and "Sing Tao Daily", taking the national tennis player Zheng Qinwen as an example, the key figure behind her historic success in securing the first gold in women's singles for the national team in tennis was her father, Zheng Jianping, who paved the way for her. Zheng Qinwen was born into a family with a sports background; her father was a track and field athlete who was determined to nurture her as an athlete from a young age. It is said that Zheng Jianping's training of his daughter was strict; he sent her to a tennis school in Wuhan at a young age and later sought out renowned coaches for her, eventually taking her to Spain for training. This demonstrates that family strength and upbringing are also key factors in an athlete's success.
Thirdly, emphasis on personal health and nutrition is also an important factor in cultivating excellent athletes. As mentioned in the book "China's Age of Abundance" by Wang Feng, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine, as China becomes increasingly affluent, children are generally consuming more nutritious diets, leading to continued growth in height. The reason why many post-2000 young athletes from the national team stand out is closely related to the advantage of height, which is crucial for athletes in various sports such as swimming.
為何美國大學戰績彪炳? / Why is the performance of American universities outstanding?
美國在今屆巴黎奧運奪得的獎牌數量排名全球第一,總計拿下126 面獎牌,包括40 面金牌、44 面銀牌與42 面銅牌。值得注意的是,美國奧運選手並非都是職業運動員,亦有來自多所美國大學的在讀大學生或畢業生。其中有39 面獎牌,由出產最多獎牌運動員的院校「史丹福大學」(Stanford University)奪得。據史丹福雜誌(STANFORD),早於1924 年的巴黎奧運會,史丹福大學已戰功顯赫,奪得21 枚獎牌。100 年後的2024 巴黎奧運,史丹福大學更成為全美贏得最多獎牌的大學,甚至還能名列全球第九,只輸給8個國家。史丹福運動員贏得的獎牌涵蓋游泳、田徑、體操等多個項目,成績驕人。
史丹福大學之所以能奪得多枚獎牌的重要原因之一,是看重曾在體育運動表現出色的學生。比方說,巴黎奧運金牌得主江旻憓,13 歲已越級取得2007 年全國少年錦標賽U17 組冠軍,後以IB 佳績考入史丹福大學。除此之外,亦有許多客觀因素。史丹福大學位於美國西部,天氣較為和暖。該校亦是美國佔地最大的大學之一,土地資源豐富,可以發展的體育項目種類便相當之多。據悉,在2023/24學年,史丹佛大學擁有超過30 個運動代表隊及俱樂部,如高爾夫球、網球等。相較之下,位於美國東部的賓夕法尼亞州立大學(Pennsylvania State University),天氣頗為寒冷,更適宜冰壺等冬季運動。由此可見,體育除了需要豐饒的土地資源,還需天公作美。
再者,優秀的教練團隊同樣重要。比方說,自2012 年以來一直擔任史丹福大學女子游泳隊主教練,以及在2018 至2021年間擔任美國女子游泳隊主教練的格雷格·米漢(Greg Meehan)。在他的領導下,史丹福大學贏得了6 次(2013 年、2017至2020 年、2022 年)太平洋十二校聯盟(Pacific-12 Conference)錦標賽冠軍,並且在聯盟上的成績沒有低於第二名。
Why is the performance of American universities outstanding?
The United States ranks first globally in the number of medals won at the current Paris Olympics, claiming a total of 126 medals, including 40 gold, 44 silver, and 42 bronze medals. It is noteworthy that not all American Olympic athletes are professional athletes; many are current students or graduates from various American universities. Among them, 39 medals were won by athletes from Stanford University, which produces the most medal-winning athletes. According to Stanford Magazine, as early as the 1924 Paris Olympics, Stanford University had a distinguished record, winning 21 medals. 100 years later at the 2024 Paris Olympics, Stanford University has become the university in the United States with the most medals won, even ranking ninth globally, only behind eight countries. Medals won by Stanford athletes span across various events such as swimming, athletics, gymnastics, among others, showcasing remarkable performances.
One of the important reasons why Stanford University can win multiple medals is its emphasis on students who have shown outstanding performances in sports. For example, gold medalist at the Paris Olympics, Vivian Kong Man Wai, won the U17 group championship at the 2007 National Youth Championships at the age of 13 and later entered Stanford University with excellent IB results. In addition, there are many other objective factors. Stanford University is located in the western United States, with relatively warm weather. It is also one of the largest universities in the United States, with abundant land resources, allowing for a wide variety of sports programs to be developed. It is reported that in the 2023/24 academic year, Stanford University has over 30 sports representative teams and clubs, such as golf, tennis, and more. In comparison, Pennsylvania State University in the eastern United States has colder weather, more suitable for winter sports like curling. This shows that sports not only require abundant land resources but also favorable weather conditions.
Furthermore, an excellent coaching team is equally important. For example, Greg Meehan has been the head coach of the Stanford University women's swimming team since 2012 and also served as the head coach of the U.S. women's swimming team from 2018 to 2021. Under his leadership, Stanford University has won 6 times (2013, 2017 to 2020, 2022) in the Pacific-12 Conference Championships and has never placed lower than second in the league.
In conclusion, the key to achieving Olympic success lies not only in universities' extreme emphasis on cultivating sports talents but also in the implementation of a complete and sound operational mechanism.