葉劉淑儀 GBM, GBS, JP (大紫荊勳賢、金紫荊星章、非官守太平紳士)
學會謙卑 政治科學101
走民主路 重獲市民信任
相信希望 共建香港
政務主任 (輔政司署銓敘科)
Regina IP LAU Suk Yee, GBM, GBS, JP
Regina IP LAU Suk Yee - B.A.-First Class Honor (University of Hong Kong), Master of Letters (University of Glasgow), Master of Science in Management (Stanford University), and Master of Art in East Asian Studies (Stanford University)
Mrs. Ip worked for the Hong Kong Government from 1975 to 2003. During that time, she served in a wide range of areas including democratization of local government, international trade and industry and security. She was the first woman to be appointed the head of a disciplined service (Immigration Department) (1996-98) and as Secretary for Security of Hong Kong (1998-2003).
In 2003 Mrs. Ip resigned from her position in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to take her daughter to the U.S. for education and to pursue higher studies herself. In June 2006, she returned to Hong Kong after completing the MA program in East Asian Studies at Stanford University. In July 2006, she established Savantas Policy Institute, a think tank focused on tackling the twin structural constitutional and economic problems of Hong Kong. The core vision of Savantas is to transform Hong Kong into a knowledge-based economy.
In September 2008, Mrs. Ip was elected Legislative Council Member in the Hong Kong Island geographical constituency.
In January 2011, Mrs. Ip founded New People’s Party and was elected the party chairperson. She was re-elected as Legislative Council Member in September 2012, 2016, and December 2021respectively.
In October 2012 and July 2017, Mrs. Ip was appointed as Non-Official Member of the Executive Council (ExCo).
In September 2015, she established the “Maritime Silk Road Society” (MSRS), and is now Co-Chair of the organization.
In December 2016, Mrs. Ip resigned from the Executive Council. She ran in both 2012 and 2017 Chief Executive elections.
She is currently the Convenor of the Executive Council for the sixth term of the HKSAR Government.
香港發展醫療產業有優勢嗎?(一)/ Does Hong Kong Have Advantages in Developing the Medical Industry? (Part 1)
香港目前的經濟增長未如理想,政府去年10 月公布,2024 年首三季合計的本地生產總值較2023 年同期僅實質上升2.6%;而近日財政司長則公開表示,財政赤字近1000 億元,有專家指出,若非計入發行了1300 億的債券,財赤其實達2300 億。
1997 年,香港遇上亞洲金融風暴,經濟低迷,特區政府一度考慮推動醫療產業來刺激經濟。2009 年,特區政府更把醫療產業納入「六大優勢產業」,但多年來未見有顯著的實際發展。
理論上,香港是有條件發展醫療產業的。香港中文大學和香港大學的醫學院均於全球醫學領域享有較高名次(排名28 及31);同時擁有不少研發專家和人才;在一些專科領域,香港的診治技術更是世界一流。
2009 年,特區政府預留4 幅分別位於黃竹坑、將軍澳、大埔及大嶼山的土地用於發展私營醫院。其中,位於黃竹坑的港怡醫院及在馬料水的香港中文大學醫院均已落成並投入服務。不過,香港中文大學醫院因營運收益未如理想,已向特區政府申請延遲償還政府貸款。
我的行會同僚陳智思曾向我提及,他的家族在泰國經營的泰國康民醫院(Bumrungrad International Hospital),相當成功,有「泰版養和醫院」之稱。他認為香港缺乏土地及醫護人手,較難像泰國那樣發展醫療產業。至於泰國為何能蓬勃發展醫療產業,讓我們下回分解。
Does Hong Kong Have Advantages in Developing the Medical Industry? (Part 1)
Hong Kong's current economic growth has not been as ideal. The government announced last October that the GDP value for the first three quarters of 2024 had only increased by 2.6% compared to the same period in 2023. Recently, the Financial Secretary publicly stated that the fiscal deficit is close to 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. Experts have pointed out that if the issuance of 130 billion in bonds is not taken into account, the actual deficit would be 230 billion.
Economists often mention the three pillars for driving the local economy, namely exports, consumption, and overall investment. While Hong Kong has seen growth in both total merchandise exports and overall investment spending, consumption has continued to decline. To achieve fiscal balance, the SAR government needs to take decisive measures to address the deficit and effectively utilize existing resources to drive economic development and stimulate consumption. The SAR government is vigorously promoting event-based economics and striving for the re-initiation of the "multiple entry permit" for mainland residents, which has indeed led to an increase in visitor numbers.
In 1997, Hong Kong faced the Asian financial crisis, which led to an economic downturn. The SAR government once considered promoting the medical industry to stimulate the economy. In 2009, the SAR government even included the medical industry in the "six major advantageous industries," but there has been no significant practical development over the years.
In theory, Hong Kong has the conditions to develop the medical industry. The medical schools at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong both enjoy high rankings in the global medical field (28th and 31st, respectively). Hong Kong also has many research and development experts and talents, and in some specialized fields, its diagnostic and treatment techniques are world-class.
In 2009, the SAR government reserved four plots of land in Wong Chuk Hang, Tseung Kwan O, Tai Po, and Lantau Island for the development of private hospitals. Among them, the the Gleneagles Hospital in Wong Chuk Hang and the Chinese University Hospital in Ma Liu Shui have been completed and put into service. However, the Chinese University Hospital has applied to the SAR government for a delay in repaying government loans due to lower-than-expected operational revenue.
My colleague, Bernard Charnwut Chan, once mentioned to me that his family operates the Bumrungrad International Hospital in Thailand, which is quite successful and known as the "Thai version of Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital." He believes that Hong Kong lacks land and healthcare personnel, making it more challenging to develop the medical industry like Thailand. As for why Thailand has been able to thrive in developing the medical industry, let's delve into that next time.
泰國旅遊競爭力解碼 / Decoding the Competitiveness of Tourism in Thailand
前文提到,我於聖誕假期到泰國曼谷度假,發現當地的旅遊業發展蓬勃。報道指,截至2024 年12 月,泰國全年共吸引超過3500 萬人次造訪。我認為泰國之所以能夠成為世界知名的旅遊勝地,以及吸引港人遊客,其中一大主因在於它的人力資源及土地價值遠較香港要低,令其可以較低的消費物價吸引遊客。
首先,泰國的年輕人口比例較高。泰國目前人口約為7000 萬,年齡中位數為39 歲,勞動人口(15 歲至64 歲)佔約68%(約4760 萬人);反觀香港的人口只有約750 萬,年齡中位數為46歲,勞動人口佔約51%(約383 萬人)。受惠於充足的勞動人口,泰國的人均工資低於香港,優良的性價比令當地服務業發展也相當發達。以港人喜愛的按摩服務為例,旅行期間我光顧一家園林式按摩店,3 人按摩兩個小時只收費1400港元(且毋須打賞),這比香港便宜許多,十分超值。
第二,泰國的土地價值均低於香港,使得整體成本較低。據報道,在清邁購置一片建屋面積約63,000 呎的土地,分成12 戶,每戶土地約4300 呎,一塊土地售價約35 萬港元。相比之下,假設要在香港購置一片同樣面積的土地,價格可能是泰國的數十倍。較低的地價降低了房地產項目的成本,使得新開設的商場可在不急於即時回本的前提下逐步發展。
最後,以人文資源來說,泰國以其開放和包容的社會氛圍,成為全球遊客眼中的獨特魅力之地。例如,同性婚姻的合法化,以及一年一度吸引了3 萬人參加的White Party 都是泰國與眾不同的特色。隨着旅客在疫後的消費模式出現轉變,傳說的消費旅遊已較難吸引新一代旅客。我認為香港不妨仿效泰國,透過舉辦類似的活動,來打造香港的旅遊名片。事實上,香港於2023 年曾舉辦首次在亞洲舉行的同志界國際盛事「同樂運動會」。我認為類似的活動既能彰顯香港包容多元的價值,還有助於擴大香港的旅遊市場,政府應考慮多加舉辦。
Decoding the Competitiveness of Tourism in Thailand
As mentioned earlier, I holidayed in Bangkok, Thailand during the Christmas break and found that the local tourism industry is thriving. Reports indicate that by December 2024, Thailand had attracted over 35 million visitors throughout the year. I believe that one of the main reasons Thailand has become a world-renowned tourist destination and attracts visitors from Hong Kong is due to its lower human resources and land values compared to Hong Kong, which allows it to attract tourists with lower consumption prices.
Firstly, Thailand has a higher proportion of young people. With a current population of around 70 million, Thailand has a median age of 39, and the labor force (aged 15 to 64) accounts for about 68% (approximately 47.6 million people); in contrast, Hong Kong's population is only about 7.5 million, with a median age of 46, and the labor force accounts for about 51% (approximately 3.83 million people). Benefiting from an abundant labor force, Thailand's average wages are lower than Hong Kong's, and the excellent value for money has led to a well-developed local service industry. For example, during my trip, I visited a garden-style massage parlor where a 2-hour massage for three people cost only HK$1,400 (without the need for tips), which is much cheaper than Hong Kong and very cost-effective.
Secondly, land values in Thailand are lower than in Hong Kong, resulting in lower overall costs. According to reports, purchasing a piece of land in Chiang Mai with a building area of about 63,000 square feet, divided into 12 units with each unit having around 4,300 square feet of land, costs approximately HK$350,000 per unit. In comparison, purchasing a piece of land of the same size in Hong Kong could be tens of times more expensive than in Thailand. Lower land prices reduce the costs of real estate projects, allowing newly opened malls to gradually develop without the immediate need to recoup investments.
Lastly, in terms of cultural resources, Thailand's open and inclusive social atmosphere has made it a unique and charming destination in the eyes of global tourists. For example, the legalization of same-sex marriage and the annual White Party, which attracts 30,000 participants, are distinctive features of Thailand. As post-pandemic consumer patterns among travelers shift, the legendary concept of consumption tourism may find it challenging to attract the new generation of travelers. I believe that Hong Kong could follow Thailand's example by organizing similar events to create a tourism hallmark for Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong hosted the first-ever Gay Games in Asia in 2023. I think similar events not only showcase Hong Kong's inclusive values but also help expand Hong Kong's tourism market, which the government should consider hosting more of.
泰國的旅遊魅力 / The Charms of Traveling in Thailand
泰國曼谷融合了歷史悠久的古蹟和獨特的當地文化,各大商場也各具特色。位於湄南河畔的暹羅天地底層的室內水上市場便充滿亮點。遊客可以乘坐長尾船穿梭於寺廟和涼亭之間,品嘗泰國小吃並購買本土工藝品。在除夕夜,暹羅天地舉辦了「驚艷泰國2025跨年倒數活動」,泰國巨星Lalisa Manobal作了壓軸演出。據報道,她的緋聞男友 LVMH三公子Frederic Arnault也在台下欣賞演出,現場人潮洶湧。此外,曼谷的高端生活商場Emsphere也極具特色,坐擁古色古香的倉庫式商店和極具本土風味的餐廳、咖啡館和酒吧,吸引大量美食愛好者前來探索。
The Charms of Traveling in Thailand
Thailand has always been one of the most popular tourist destinations. According to reports, the number of visitors to Thailand in 2024 has exceeded 35 million, indicating a constant influx of tourists to the country. This Christmas holiday, I also visited Bangkok to experience its travel charms.
Bangkok, Thailand blends ancient historical sites with unique local culture, and its various shopping malls each have their own characteristics. The indoor floating market at Siam Paragon, located along the Chao Phraya River, is a highlight. Visitors can navigate the temples and pavilions by long-tail boat, taste Thai snacks, and purchase local crafts. On New Year's Eve, Siam Paragon hosted the "Dazzling Thailand 2025 New Year Countdown Event," where Thai superstar Lalisa Manobal performed as the finale. Reports indicate that her rumored boyfriend, LVMH heir Frederic Arnault, was also in attendance, and the crowd was massive. Additionally, Bangkok's upscale lifestyle mall, Emsphere, is distinctive with its warehouse-style shops, local-flavored restaurants, cafes, and bars, attracting a large number of food enthusiasts to explore.
Prices in Thailand are relatively cheap, offering great value for money. Research shows that Thailand has abundant natural resources, with 80% of the raw materials needed in the food industry available locally, making food prices highly competitive. For tourists from developed countries, such prices are a great deal. The service industry in Thailand is also of a high standard. According to observations from the economic section of the Thai Consulate, "Thai young people prefer service industries." With a population of around 70 million, Thailand has a median age of 39, a high proportion of young people, a large number engaged in the service industry, ample manpower, and high service quality. I visited a Thai massage parlor where the garden-like setting made the environment comfortable, allowing guests to relax naturally. This was a stark contrast to the service environment in Hong Kong and left a lasting impression on me.
Lastly, Thailand's multiculturalism and open atmosphere are also its unique characteristics. Take the famous muscle man restaurants in Bangkok for example, these restaurants are highly popular among tourists. Reports indicate that visitors can enjoy authentic Thai cuisine in these restaurants while witnessing carefully choreographed performances.
I believe that no matter where one is, experiencing the local culture and atmosphere is always at the heart of travel. Thailand, with its unique culture and natural beauty, has painted a rich travel tapestry for me.