國家隊如何變得「更快、更高、更強」 / How does the national team become "faster, higher, stronger"?
經過世界各地健兒17 日的競技激鬥,國家隊最終以40 金27 銀24 銅共91 面獎牌的成績結束今屆奧運,位居獎牌榜第二位,同時創造了海外參加奧運的最佳紀錄。國家隊在傳統強項乒乓球和跳水不但保持優勢,更令人欣喜的是,在本屆奧運會上在游泳、網球等美西方傳統優勢項目上取得歷史性突破。國家隊運動員是如何變得「更快、更高、更強」呢?
首先,除了人才輩出外,跟國家資源亦息息相關。以江浙滬盛產泳手為例,潘展樂、混合泳之王汪順、洪荒少女傅園慧等,都是浙江人。據悉,中國江浙滬是泳手的聚集地,游泳是強身健體的鍛煉方式,在當地相當普及。有數據指出,截止2023 年底,浙江全省游泳池超過3000個,為民眾提供了豐富的游泳資源。此外,浙江的經濟發展亦有目共睹,當地居民人均可支配收入居全國第二位,僅次於上海,經濟實力為游泳運動普及化提供強大的基礎。
第三,注重個人健康及營養亦是培育優秀運動員的重要因素。正如加州大學爾灣分校的社會學教授王峰的著作China's Age of Abundance 提及,隨着中國變得越發富裕,普遍兒童吃的營養豐富,身高持續增長。眾多國家隊「00 後」小將之所以能脫穎而出,不難看出身高優勢對游泳等多個運動項目的運動員來說都非常重要。
How does the national team become "faster, higher, stronger"?
After 17 days of fierce competition by athletes from around the world, the national team ended this year's Olympics with a total of 91 medals - 40 gold, 27 silver, and 24 bronze, ranking second on the medal table and setting a new record for the best performance by a team competing overseas at the Olympics. The national team not only maintained its dominance in traditional strengths like table tennis and diving but also achieved historic breakthroughs in events traditionally dominated by Western countries, such as swimming and tennis, at this Olympics. How did the athletes of the national team become "faster, higher, stronger"?
Firstly, in addition to the emergence of talented individuals, the relationship with national resources is crucial. Taking swimmers from the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region as an example, athletes like Pan Zhanle, the king of individual medley Wang Shun, and the extraordinary young talent Fu Yuanhui are all from Zhejiang. It is known that the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region in China is a gathering place for swimmers, where swimming is a popular way to stay fit and healthy, with a significant presence in the local community. Data indicates that by the end of 2023, there were over 3,000 swimming pools in Zhejiang Province, providing abundant swimming resources for the public. Additionally, the remarkable economic development in Zhejiang is evident, with the region's per capita disposable income ranking second nationwide, just behind Shanghai, providing a strong foundation for the popularization of swimming due to its economic strength.
Moreover, family upbringing is one of the factors contributing to athletes' path to success. Within the national team, many athletes come from sports backgrounds or middle-class families. According to reports from "Asia Weekly" and "Sing Tao Daily", taking the national tennis player Zheng Qinwen as an example, the key figure behind her historic success in securing the first gold in women's singles for the national team in tennis was her father, Zheng Jianping, who paved the way for her. Zheng Qinwen was born into a family with a sports background; her father was a track and field athlete who was determined to nurture her as an athlete from a young age. It is said that Zheng Jianping's training of his daughter was strict; he sent her to a tennis school in Wuhan at a young age and later sought out renowned coaches for her, eventually taking her to Spain for training. This demonstrates that family strength and upbringing are also key factors in an athlete's success.
Thirdly, emphasis on personal health and nutrition is also an important factor in cultivating excellent athletes. As mentioned in the book "China's Age of Abundance" by Wang Feng, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine, as China becomes increasingly affluent, children are generally consuming more nutritious diets, leading to continued growth in height. The reason why many post-2000 young athletes from the national team stand out is closely related to the advantage of height, which is crucial for athletes in various sports such as swimming.