Legislative Assistant (議員助理)
Job Description
Writing and preparing public policy related speeches, papers and submissions
Liaising with other LegCo members, political parties, interest groups and media
Initiating and conducting public policy research
Handling public complaints and cases
Job Requirements
Degree holder or above
Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese
Proficient in PC applications including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese word processing
Willing to work outside office hours
Salary will be commensurate with skills, academic credentials and prior experience. Anyone interested is requested to email the full CV (with current and expected salaries) at Ms Wong at recruit@npp.org.hk on or before 31 October 2024. Please specify “Application for the post of Legislative Assistant” in the email subject.
All information provided will be kept strictly confidential and used for the sole purpose of applying for the aforementioned position.
社區統籌幹事 (Community Coordinator) (全職 / 兼職)
(工作地點:東涌 / 堅尼地城 / 南區)
協助製作辦事處宣傳品 (例如: 海報、單張、橫額等)
熟識基本電腦運作,包括中英文打字、Word、Excel 及設計軟件操作
上述職位的薪酬將根據求職者能力、學歷及工作經驗而定。有興趣的求職者可將履歷表(包括現時薪金、期望薪金)電郵至葉劉淑儀立法會議員辦事處(recruit@npp.org.hk),電郵標題請註明「申請社區統籌幹事 (葉劉淑儀議員辦事處)」。
泰國旅遊競爭力解碼 / Decoding the Competitiveness of Tourism in Thailand
前文提到,我於聖誕假期到泰國曼谷度假,發現當地的旅遊業發展蓬勃。報道指,截至2024 年12 月,泰國全年共吸引超過3500 萬人次造訪。我認為泰國之所以能夠成為世界知名的旅遊勝地,以及吸引港人遊客,其中一大主因在於它的人力資源及土地價值遠較香港要低,令其可以較低的消費物價吸引遊客。
首先,泰國的年輕人口比例較高。泰國目前人口約為7000 萬,年齡中位數為39 歲,勞動人口(15 歲至64 歲)佔約68%(約4760 萬人);反觀香港的人口只有約750 萬,年齡中位數為46歲,勞動人口佔約51%(約383 萬人)。受惠於充足的勞動人口,泰國的人均工資低於香港,優良的性價比令當地服務業發展也相當發達。以港人喜愛的按摩服務為例,旅行期間我光顧一家園林式按摩店,3 人按摩兩個小時只收費1400港元(且毋須打賞),這比香港便宜許多,十分超值。
第二,泰國的土地價值均低於香港,使得整體成本較低。據報道,在清邁購置一片建屋面積約63,000 呎的土地,分成12 戶,每戶土地約4300 呎,一塊土地售價約35 萬港元。相比之下,假設要在香港購置一片同樣面積的土地,價格可能是泰國的數十倍。較低的地價降低了房地產項目的成本,使得新開設的商場可在不急於即時回本的前提下逐步發展。
最後,以人文資源來說,泰國以其開放和包容的社會氛圍,成為全球遊客眼中的獨特魅力之地。例如,同性婚姻的合法化,以及一年一度吸引了3 萬人參加的White Party 都是泰國與眾不同的特色。隨着旅客在疫後的消費模式出現轉變,傳說的消費旅遊已較難吸引新一代旅客。我認為香港不妨仿效泰國,透過舉辦類似的活動,來打造香港的旅遊名片。事實上,香港於2023 年曾舉辦首次在亞洲舉行的同志界國際盛事「同樂運動會」。我認為類似的活動既能彰顯香港包容多元的價值,還有助於擴大香港的旅遊市場,政府應考慮多加舉辦。
Decoding the Competitiveness of Tourism in Thailand
As mentioned earlier, I holidayed in Bangkok, Thailand during the Christmas break and found that the local tourism industry is thriving. Reports indicate that by December 2024, Thailand had attracted over 35 million visitors throughout the year. I believe that one of the main reasons Thailand has become a world-renowned tourist destination and attracts visitors from Hong Kong is due to its lower human resources and land values compared to Hong Kong, which allows it to attract tourists with lower consumption prices.
Firstly, Thailand has a higher proportion of young people. With a current population of around 70 million, Thailand has a median age of 39, and the labor force (aged 15 to 64) accounts for about 68% (approximately 47.6 million people); in contrast, Hong Kong's population is only about 7.5 million, with a median age of 46, and the labor force accounts for about 51% (approximately 3.83 million people). Benefiting from an abundant labor force, Thailand's average wages are lower than Hong Kong's, and the excellent value for money has led to a well-developed local service industry. For example, during my trip, I visited a garden-style massage parlor where a 2-hour massage for three people cost only HK$1,400 (without the need for tips), which is much cheaper than Hong Kong and very cost-effective.
Secondly, land values in Thailand are lower than in Hong Kong, resulting in lower overall costs. According to reports, purchasing a piece of land in Chiang Mai with a building area of about 63,000 square feet, divided into 12 units with each unit having around 4,300 square feet of land, costs approximately HK$350,000 per unit. In comparison, purchasing a piece of land of the same size in Hong Kong could be tens of times more expensive than in Thailand. Lower land prices reduce the costs of real estate projects, allowing newly opened malls to gradually develop without the immediate need to recoup investments.
Lastly, in terms of cultural resources, Thailand's open and inclusive social atmosphere has made it a unique and charming destination in the eyes of global tourists. For example, the legalization of same-sex marriage and the annual White Party, which attracts 30,000 participants, are distinctive features of Thailand. As post-pandemic consumer patterns among travelers shift, the legendary concept of consumption tourism may find it challenging to attract the new generation of travelers. I believe that Hong Kong could follow Thailand's example by organizing similar events to create a tourism hallmark for Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong hosted the first-ever Gay Games in Asia in 2023. I think similar events not only showcase Hong Kong's inclusive values but also help expand Hong Kong's tourism market, which the government should consider hosting more of.
泰國的旅遊魅力 / The Charms of Traveling in Thailand
泰國曼谷融合了歷史悠久的古蹟和獨特的當地文化,各大商場也各具特色。位於湄南河畔的暹羅天地底層的室內水上市場便充滿亮點。遊客可以乘坐長尾船穿梭於寺廟和涼亭之間,品嘗泰國小吃並購買本土工藝品。在除夕夜,暹羅天地舉辦了「驚艷泰國2025跨年倒數活動」,泰國巨星Lalisa Manobal作了壓軸演出。據報道,她的緋聞男友 LVMH三公子Frederic Arnault也在台下欣賞演出,現場人潮洶湧。此外,曼谷的高端生活商場Emsphere也極具特色,坐擁古色古香的倉庫式商店和極具本土風味的餐廳、咖啡館和酒吧,吸引大量美食愛好者前來探索。
The Charms of Traveling in Thailand
Thailand has always been one of the most popular tourist destinations. According to reports, the number of visitors to Thailand in 2024 has exceeded 35 million, indicating a constant influx of tourists to the country. This Christmas holiday, I also visited Bangkok to experience its travel charms.
Bangkok, Thailand blends ancient historical sites with unique local culture, and its various shopping malls each have their own characteristics. The indoor floating market at Siam Paragon, located along the Chao Phraya River, is a highlight. Visitors can navigate the temples and pavilions by long-tail boat, taste Thai snacks, and purchase local crafts. On New Year's Eve, Siam Paragon hosted the "Dazzling Thailand 2025 New Year Countdown Event," where Thai superstar Lalisa Manobal performed as the finale. Reports indicate that her rumored boyfriend, LVMH heir Frederic Arnault, was also in attendance, and the crowd was massive. Additionally, Bangkok's upscale lifestyle mall, Emsphere, is distinctive with its warehouse-style shops, local-flavored restaurants, cafes, and bars, attracting a large number of food enthusiasts to explore.
Prices in Thailand are relatively cheap, offering great value for money. Research shows that Thailand has abundant natural resources, with 80% of the raw materials needed in the food industry available locally, making food prices highly competitive. For tourists from developed countries, such prices are a great deal. The service industry in Thailand is also of a high standard. According to observations from the economic section of the Thai Consulate, "Thai young people prefer service industries." With a population of around 70 million, Thailand has a median age of 39, a high proportion of young people, a large number engaged in the service industry, ample manpower, and high service quality. I visited a Thai massage parlor where the garden-like setting made the environment comfortable, allowing guests to relax naturally. This was a stark contrast to the service environment in Hong Kong and left a lasting impression on me.
Lastly, Thailand's multiculturalism and open atmosphere are also its unique characteristics. Take the famous muscle man restaurants in Bangkok for example, these restaurants are highly popular among tourists. Reports indicate that visitors can enjoy authentic Thai cuisine in these restaurants while witnessing carefully choreographed performances.
I believe that no matter where one is, experiencing the local culture and atmosphere is always at the heart of travel. Thailand, with its unique culture and natural beauty, has painted a rich travel tapestry for me.
政府用人應做到術業有專攻 / Government Personnel Management Should Focus on Specialization
交稿時恰逢元旦,新年伊始,我先祝各位讀者2025 年事事順心,平安喜樂。
比方說,特區政府於2022 年成立香港投資管理有限公司(港投公司),以積極推進在創新科技領域的直接及共同投資。在物色管理層時,特區政府根據外匯基金諮詢委員會轄下管治委員會建議,委任一位前政務官出任行政總裁。
另一個例子則是新聞處長的人選。新聞處作為政府的公共關係顧問,負責政府的出版、宣傳片及新聞工作,並透過傳媒向市民宣傳政策,以提高市民對政府工作的認識。鑑於其職責需要長期與傳媒界打交道,回歸前新聞處長多由專業新聞官出任。自從最後一任由專業新聞官晉升的處長丘李賜恩於1997 年離任後,新聞處長便由政務官擔任。雖然政務官熟悉政府運作,但他們欠缺傳媒背景,加上經常調任,較難與傳媒建立深厚關係,使得新聞處較難發揮原有職能。
Government Personnel Management Should Focus on Specialization
Submitting this article coincides with New Year's Day, at the beginning of the new year, I would like to wish all readers a smooth and joyful 2025.
In a previous article, I suggested that by reviewing, streamlining, and appropriately reducing and integrating the numerous time-limited senior non-established positions, the pressure on senior civil servants could be alleviated.
In addition to the division of responsibilities within the government, I believe there is room for the SAR government to review its personnel appointments. As administrative officers are generalists in management, their work involves different policy areas. The government often appoints administrative officers or former administrative officers to manage government departments or public entities. However, the drawback is that administrative officers may lack the relevant qualifications and experience in a specific field, leading to difficulties in fully utilizing the functions of the department or organization.
For example, in 2022, the SAR government established the Hong Kong Investment Corporation Limited (HKIC) to actively promote direct and joint investments in the field of innovative technology. When selecting the management team, the SAR government appointed a former administrative officer as the Chief Executive Officer based on the recommendation of the Governance Committee under the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee.
As an organization responsible for promoting investments in Hong Kong, I believe that the Chief Executive Officer should be a skilled "trader" who knows how to bring profits to the organization through investments. Although the appointee has also served in the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, his work mainly involved overseeing and maintaining financial market and monetary stability, with less involvement in investment work. While the actual investments of the organization do not require his personal execution, having a regulator serve as the Chief Executive Officer raises questions about whether the organization's investment strategy can be proactive and effective.
Another example is the selection of the Director of Information Services. As a public relations consultant for the government, the Information Services Department is responsible for the government's publications, promotional videos, and news work, and communicates government policies to the public through the media to enhance public awareness of government work. Given the long-term interaction with the media required by the position, prior to the handover, the Director of Information Services was mainly filled by professional journalists. Since the departure of the last Director promoted from a professional Information Officer, Irene Yau, in 1997, the position has been held by administrative officers. While administrative officers are familiar with government operations, they lack a media background and, due to frequent transfers, find it challenging to establish strong relationships with the media, making it difficult for the Information Services Department to fulfill its original functions.
I believe that the government should promptly cultivate specialists for positions that require a stronger level of expertise to break away from the reliance on administrative officers, thereby optimizing the overall human resources planning.